3 — Central City, NE & Des Moines, IA

Central City, Nebraska

So, technically, Liam and Bailey’s first trip wasn’t actually to Colorado Springs…It was to a friend’s cabin in central Nebraska. The couple doesn’t count this as a “full” or “true” traveling trip, however, because it was just a weekend getaway with friends. The trip was definitely exciting and enjoyable though. The cabin sat in the pasture of farmland owned by the friend’s family. During their time there, they explored the land, roasted marshmallows by the campfire, played games, and took plenty of pictures of the land.

Des Moines, Iowa (The First Visit)

For anyone in Omaha, Nebraska, Des Moines is one of those trips that is really easy to do. If you prefer, it can be a day trip, although it’s not recommended unless you’re on a major budget. This trip really had no purpose other than getting away from home for a little adventure. Liam and Bailey had no plan for this trip. They left after work on Friday and arrived that evening. The idea for the first night was to experience the downtown. The couple found a brewery that had great food and then walked around.

Day 2 was spent at the Iowa Historical Museum. This museum showcased Iowa in all of its glory and had a lot of really amazing features. That evening, Liam and Bailey found a beautiful lake named Grey’s Lake. At this lake, you have a wide view of the open sky and water, as well as the downtown skyline of Des Moines. This lake also features a pedestrian bridge with really, really cool lighting. To finish the night off, Liam and Bailey tried a Des Moines local fast-food chain named, B-Bops.

Sunday was the day Liam and Bailey headed for home. The night before, the couple discovered something that excited them so much they had to return the following morning before leaving. Just across the street from the Des Moines Airport is a HyVee gas station. This gas station is the perfect viewing spot to watch planes take off and land.